The Newtown, Connecticut massacre was tragic, to say the least. If anything good is to come out of it, it should be the spark of conversation and hopefully, ACTION with regards to the United Sates gun culture and mental health awareness.
Like millions of others around the world, I was glued to twitter and various News sources, eagerly anticipating updates and answers. WHY did this happen? HOW it can be controlled? Frankly, massacres are becoming tragically common, especially in the United States.
The day after the shooting occurred, I was thinking about posting a typical post about how my thoughts were with the victims and that the US needed to take immediate action. In addition I was going to add the usual 'Sufya Sass" adding, "...I swear if I see any pictures using this tragedy to gain "likes" "shares" or tweets to gain followers, I will go H.A.M". But I told myself, no we are not THAT desensitized to the world, this isn't about a sad panda in need of likes, this is real life, real lives and real tragedy.
Yet, every time I sign into Facebook I see someone is asking for a "like" to support this victim or this message. What in the actual f*ck guys?? I understand the want to spread awareness for tragedy and that curiosity naturally draws us to finding answers but when you end a beautifully written piece with "like to show support" it draws my focus away from the message and onto a need for "instant fame" It's f*cking stupid and does NOTHING to help ease pain for the families or the community.
Makes me question the relevance of Facebook, does it even matter anymore when people an contribute meaningful content on sites like Twitter? UGH!!
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